Alison Turnbull
The Family Beds, 2005
This artist’s book by Alison Turnbull is a practical guide to the University of Oxford Botanic Garden. The collection at Oxford has been colour-coded in this book to represent the shift from a morphological or visual system to one based on genetics.
Taking as a model the pocket-sized volumes that were published in the 17 th century in early botanic gardens across Europe, the book has a comprehensive plant list and a foldout colour-coded plan of the garden with corresponding coloured pages – red, pink, blue, violet, aquamarine, lime green, yellow, orange and green – for making notes.
It includes a foreword by Louise Allen of the University of Oxford Botanic Garden, and an essay by Professor Mark W Chase of Kew Gardens, exploring the ways that gardens, art and books approach scientific information.
The Family Beds occupies a place in between the abstractions of plant science and the earthy realities of horticulture, highlighting the complex relationship between the two.
Price £10 (+ P&P)
176 pages
175 x 120 mm
ISBN 978-0-953852-54-3
Design James Goggin / Practise
Published by Matt’s Gallery and the University of Oxford
See also

Alison Turnbull
PSYCHE Or, the butterfly – an expanded field guide, 2018

Alison Turnbull
Vitis vinifera L., 2008

Alison Turnbull
Sea the Stars, 2012

Alison Turnbull
Navigating Moby Dick, 2019

Willie Doherty
Remnant, 2024

Willie Doherty
Out Of Position, 2007

Willie Doherty
Disturbance, 2011
£25.00 (5 left)

Willie Doherty
Buried, 2009