Willie Doherty, Remnant, 2024, exhibition view, Matt's Gallery, London. Photograph Jonathan Bassett.
Willie Doherty, Remnant, 2024, 3-Channel 4K video installation, black and white, sound, 13'40
9 October – 10 November 2024
Nine Elms
Private View: 6 October 2-5pm
Exhibition Continues: 9 October-10 November 2024
Wednesday-Sunday, 12-6pm
Remnant consists of a series of black and white photographic prints, and a multi-channel 4K video layered with an ambient soundtrack and a spoken word voiceover performed by Stephen Rea.
Fusing voice and soundscape with still and moving images, Remnant explores the interconnectedness of place, time, and memory.
In this haunting and immersive work, landscape acts as a repository - a site to construct images and myths of national identity, of self, and of others. With the passage of time, the histories of these places transform, becoming unstable, the fictions of memory.
Remnant investigates remembrance as a measure of time and space, of dislocation and connection, of what is real and what is imagined.
Making a return to black and white, Willie Doherty’s recent works echo his early photographs. However, where those early works often juxtaposed still images with text overlays, here stills and very subtly moving images are overlayed aurally with the artist’s text read aloud.
Infused with melancholy, the works are captivating and demand to be lingered with. While the works may seem less overtly political than earlier pieces they retain echoes of motifs we associate closely with Doherty which pervade the scenes with a sombre feeling of foreboding and disquiet.
Doherty has worked with Matt’s Gallery since 1990. This is his 11th exhibition with us. In 1994, his second show, The Only Good One is a Dead One, became the first moving image work to be nominated for the Turner Prize. Doherty was again nominated in 2003.
Following its exhibition at Solstice Arts Centre, Ireland earlier this year, Remnant will be reconfigured for Matt’s Gallery’s space in Nine Elms.
Remnant at Matt’s Gallery is supported by Culture Ireland and the Willie Doherty Exhibition Circle: Emma and Fred Goltz.
Production of the work was supported by Solstice Arts Centre and Kerlin Gallery, Dublin.
Willie Doherty is represented by Matt’s Gallery, London; Kerlin Gallery, Dublin; Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich and Galeria Moises Perez de Albeniz, Madrid.
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A special limited edition print, Dead End, 2024, has been made by the artist to support this exhibition. Only 8 out of the 20 prints remain.
Voice: Stephen Rea
Sound Recording: Beacon Studios
Dublin Sound Mix: Blast Furnace Derry
Production: Spike Wolff
5 – 30 July 2017
Decima Street
3 May – 2 July 2016
27 September 2013 – 4 January 2014
City Factory Gallery, Northern Ireland
18 April – 27 May 2012
Copperfield Road
23 January – 16 March 2008
Copperfield Road
23 January – 17 March 2002
Copperfield Road
11 June – 3 August 1997
Copperfield Road
10 November 1993 – 30 January 1994
Copperfield Road
3 – 26 October 1990
Martello Street
£25.00 (5 left)
£50.00 (3 left)
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